
This page will illustrate a step-by-step guide for using GovUKNotify to send out emails and assuming you have an account and a member of the HOF team.


Some features in this documentation may not be up-to-date or not reflective based on the permissions set on your account.

New Project set up

To create service:

  1. Visit GovUKNotify and login.
  2. Click on Switch Service
  3. Click on "Add a new service" and provide the name

Creating templates:

  1. Switch into the appropriate service
  2. Select Templates
  3. Click on new template 4. Complete the process for your designed template 5. You may clone a template and edit as needed
  4. Copy the Template ID post completion and store this safely
  5. Click on API integration
  6. Generate an API key
  7. Select the permissions for the key
  8. Store the key safely

Store the Template ID and API key as env values and use as needed in the application